Showing posts with label Customer Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer Management. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

In Pursuit of the Micro Moment

For the last few years Google has been spending a lot of time trying to understand something called the micro-moment. The micro-moment is the time between researching a product or service and the time a person makes the buy decision. It is during this slice of time that the brain tells the person; yes you should (or should not) buy this product or service. Understanding the brain and a person’s emotional response during these micro-moments has become very important for marketers. This behavioral approach to marketing is often referred to as Neuro-Marketing.   

Friday, February 26, 2016

The New Math for Pricing

It represents one of the most difficult decisions you will make: What price do I charge for my products? Many people, including myself, have always held that pricing should be based on covering all of your costs with some allowance for profits. However, thanks to Robert Dolan of Harvard Business School, there is a new math for calculating price that goes beyond the financial numbers.  

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to Capture Useful Feedback

Capturing feedback is important to the success of every business. Feedback represents a conversation with your employees and your customers. These conversations keep you within a zone of reality and best of all, these conversations create relationships. And in the world of business, relationships matter.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Challenge of Becoming Customer Focused

Real Customer Focus is Difficult
If customers drive business success, then becoming customer focus is mission critical. Trying to stay customer focus is considerably difficult. Here are some of the many challenges you will have to confront if you expect to be customer focused: